When you need to access pharmacy benefits, finding a nearby partner pharmacy is easy with Bastion Health. Here's how:

  1. Open the App: Launch the Bastion Health mobile app on your device.
  2. Navigate to We Care Tab: Tap on the "We Care" tab to access essential services and benefits.
  3. Click on Pharmacy Benefit: Look for the "Pharmacy Benefit" option and tap on it to access pharmacy services.

    A screenshot of a phone

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    A screenshot of a phone

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  4. Select Pharmacy Provider: Under the pharmacy benefit section, click on "Pharmacy Provider" to choose from available options.
  5. Search for a Pharmacy: Browse through the list of partner pharmacies and select the one closest to your location.

With these simple steps, you can quickly locate a partner pharmacy and access the medications you need. Thank you for choosing Bastion Health for your healthcare needs!